I want to feel pain. Hurt me, for real. Hit me. Slash me. I need it. At the moment, I don't feel alive. It's like my life's happening in front of me but I'm not in control. And...probably I'll feel more alive if someone hits me or slashes me. So, come on, hit me.

...I've been listening to the new Nightwish album recently. First I didn't like Anette's voice at all, but nowadays I love it. I love her voice. I like it way more than Tarja's. Her voice was way too cold compared to Anette's.
So, to all those who say they hate the new Nightwish: Go fuck yourselves. Anette rocks. (and besides, she's hotter than Tarja)

For real. Hit me. Slash me. Scare me. Anything. JUST - MAKE - ME - FEEL - FUCKING - SOMETHING. Do I make myself clear?